Sunday, September 7, 2008


Going through BIG's delightful bag of goodies today doing some research for the Geo-Mimicry piece and lo-and-behold what to my wondering eyes did appear??!? No, silly, not 8 tiny reindeer. Not even one! But I did discover something aquarURBan project that looks remarkably similar to the LILYPAD project by Vincent Callebaut discussed in the first AquaURBanism post...eerily similar, in fact. See for yourself:
BIG - Mer

Callebaut - LilyPad

And it turns out that BIG's project was done way back in 2005....hmmm.
Previously: AquaURBanism


Anonymous said...

'way back' in 2005? what are you mr. attention span '0'? ;.))
btw, those guys borrow left and right.

Dave Brown said...

it's kind of a joke i'm just pointing out that BIG's project was done 3 yrs ahead of the lilypad.

but, yeah, kind of. i feel that increasingly as a result of the internet's data deluge...has a weird effect on time.